We offer "Out of School" Time Programs for Kindergarten through age 12. We offer a Summer Day Camp program and an After School Care Program. We are licensed by the Arkansas DHS. Scroll down for more information about each program.
You can also call us at (501) 985-1818 for more information. You will need to stop by our front desk to fill out the registration forms and email us at jaxhnpchildcare@gmail.com to send us a copy of your child's vaccination records.
We will begin accepting applications for our 2024 Summer Day Camp program in March 2024. We will need you to please stop by the front desk to enroll your child(ren).
Our Kid's Club offers many field trips throughout the summer. We have outdoor play every day that weather is permitting either to Pleasure Park, located across the street, on one of our field trips, or on our Friday Swim trips to Stonewall Swimming Pool.
We provide a morning snack and an afternoon snack. We do ask that you bring a nutritious sack lunch every day except on Fridays. On Fridays, we have a pizza party for lunch.
We only offer the five-day weekly rate option. We do NOT have a one-day option or a three-day option anymore.
We are open for registration for our fourth year of offering an After School Care Program. Currently, we pick up at Schools in Jacksonville and Cabot. Our program has been expanding and growing each year. We look forward to adding your child to our pick up list.
Please call now to reserve your child's spot.
$85.00/ week tuition
$35 family registration fee.
We do not prorate the weekly tuition prices for holidays, inclement weather, and/or absences. We are an After School Care Program only. We do NOT offer full-day childcare on days that schools are out.
In the event of schools closing early, we do not pick up for After School Care.
In the event of school closings due to severe weather conditions (inclement weather), we will not offer an all day camp. We will be closed as well.
If we are closed, we will send an email notifying all parents of the closure. We will also post the closure on our home page of our website and on our Facebook page (JAX at Huff 'n Puff Fitness, Dance and Gymnastics Center, Inc.)